Tag: CentOS

  • Reduce Mysql Service Memory Usage On A Centos Server

    I tried below settings to bring down Mysqld service memory usage from 450 MB to less than 300 MB on a very low performance hosting server on cloud. Code to b added in /etc/my.conf is below: [mysqld] table_definition_cache = 400 More research will be needed for me to know what exactly was optimized by this…

  • How to Map WSL’s Linux Drive on Windows 10 Host Machine Like A Network Share

    After installing of a WSL distro, mapping the Linxu drives on the Windows 10 host should in theory a very easy practice.1. windows key + r and type in \\wsl$ You shall see all the distros’ drives in the windows explore window Right click on the folder and select “map as a network drive” then…

  • How to Disable root Login on Centos 8?

    Enabling a root access through SSH on open internet is surely a security vulnerability. Hence, it is best to disable root access from the get-go. All you have to do is to edit the SSH service’s config file /et/ssh/sshd_config Use vi or nano or your favorite text editor and find below text: #PermitRootLogin no and…

  • Linux 101: Vsftp Service Configuration Tutorial

    I am reposting this tutorial for future’s reference. Also, to check if vsftpd service is running or not, you can use shell>service –status-all | grep vsftpd And to control vsftpd service, you can use shell>/etc/init.d/vsftpd start shell>/etc/init.d/vsftpd stop shell>/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart And to make vsftpd automatically start everytime system is rebooted, you can run shell>chkconif vsftpd on In addittion,…