Even the faintest ink beats the strongest memory.
3 Ways to Check Ubuntu Server’s Current DNS Settings from Terminal
No .1: cat /etc/resolv.conf No. 2: nmcli dev show | grep ‘IP4.DNS’ No. 3: resolvectl status Honestly, I have not completely figured out why there are three ways to do it and when to use each. This is certainly a gap in my Linux networking knowledge at this stage. Certainly, I’ll come back with…
Using RDP on Windows to Ubuntu Running XRDP but Encounter Session Closed Immediately After Login
The root cause is, surprisingly, that only one session per user account is allowed to log in either locally on the machine or through an RDP session. A screenshot of the solution and explanation is below: The original post is here.
How Can I Set Up Static IP Address for a Debian Machine?
The correct config file is this one: /etc/network/interfaces And to update this file, please use sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces Add the below content (detailed settings are specific in your own environment) auto ens160 ##the network interface name iface ens160 inet static address 192.168.0.xx ##the static IP address you’d like to assign to this machine netmask…
How to Download all Videos from a Playlist of a YouTube Channel
First of all, get hold of the command line app yt-dlp. And then locate the playlist’s URL, usually, it looks something like: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHRPVO3iI3UuJOfesVfvaJf4F9DKteewJ Last, but not least, kick off a command line terminal window (either Windows or Linux) and execute the below command: yt-dlp -i –yes-playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHRPVO3iI3UuJOfesVfvaJf4F9DKteewJ
Unable to boot from Windows 10 ISO in VMWare ESXi 7.0.0
I have encountered this titular issue today while trying to install a Windows 10 VM in my ESXi host. I tried below two solutions and the 2nd one seems to be the correct fix: Disable “secure boot” from VM’s boot options while still using EFI as the firmware option Change “Choose which firmware should be…
How to Deal with “无法分析响应内容,因为 Internet Explorer 引擎不可用,或者 Internet Explorer 的首次启动配置不完整” Error
You might encounter the titular error message when executing curlor Invoke-WebRequestcommands in PowerShell console. It means that by default, Invoke-WebRequest is using the Internet Explorer engine to parse the response content, which may not be functioning properly. To resolve this issue, you can use the Invoke-WebRequest command with the -UseBasicParsing parameter to use the basic…
Bash Command to Start Tailscale Using an Exit Node but Still with LAN Access
The “LAN access” part is extremely useful because you usually don’t want to lose SSH access through LAN to the target machine you’d like to manage. Below is the correct way to direct outbound traffic from the target machine through the exit node while maintaining LAN access is below: sudo tailscale up –exit-node=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX –exit-node-allow-lan-access=true And…
Two Commands to Get the GeoIP Country Info from an Ubuntu Machine
1st one: curl ifconfig.net/country 2nd one: curl -s ifconfig.me | xargs -I {} geoiplookup {} | awk -F ‘, ‘ ‘{print $2}’
Fun curl command example – retrieve a random geek joke from command line
The below command works fine on my Ubuntu, it sends back a random cheesy and geeky joke that even I myself sometimes do not get: curl -s https://official-joke-api.appspot.com/jokes/programming/random | jq ‘.[0] | .setup, .punchline’ You might need to apt-install jq package as well. Typical output: Also, there is the Chuck Norris joke command line: curl…
Add “trusted_domains” for your NextCloud instance after installation through snap
NextCloud’s official docs always ask you to find the config.php file for adding another trusted domain for your NextCloud instance. Whilst the “snap” installation is the quickest one out there, it also messes around the default traditionally installed NextCloud file structures, which makes locating the config.php file quite difficult. As an alternative, you can use…