Category: Linux

  • Cockpit – “Cannot Refresh Cache Whilst Offline” Error on Ubuntu Linux

    Cockpit is definitely one of the best Linux server managment dashboard solution out there. However, you might encounter the titular error the first time you install and access its contro panel’s “Software Updates” page. I used below instructions to resovle it. Firstly, vi your NIC’s yaml config file by sudo vi /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml At the end…

  • Ubuntu Networkctl “State Routable (Configuring)” Error Fix

    Today I used “networkctl” to check NIC’s states and found out my wifi link is in the titular “routable (configuring)” state: Then I gave a quick look at netplan’s yaml config files: It seems that the wifi yaml file is already there with seemingly correct content: Then I executed “sudo netplan apply” and successfully bring…

  • How to Map WSL’s Linux Drive on Windows 10 Host Machine Like A Network Share

    After installing of a WSL distro, mapping the Linxu drives on the Windows 10 host should in theory a very easy practice.1. windows key + r and type in \\wsl$ You shall see all the distros’ drives in the windows explore window Right click on the folder and select “map as a network drive” then…

  • How to Automatically Enable SSH Service On Centos 7 After Reboot

    I thought it was a no-brainer that the SSH service shall start autmoatically be default one the box is rebooted. However it fails to happen on my Centos 7. Hence here is the solution to add the server “sshd” explicitly into the automatic start list. sudo systemctl enable sshd Credits to orignal soluiton article here.…

  • Resolve “500 Illegal PORT command” Error When Using FTP Command from Linux

    Error screenshot: Root cause is that the ftp command line in Liux uses active-mode ftp by default. You’ll need to manually set it to passive mode by typing “pass” command. Solution screenshot, kuto’s to this article on

  • How to Create a BOOTABLE Usb Drive from an UNBOOTABLE ISO

    Yesterday I was salvaging a 17 year old ThinkPad T43 laptop and trying to get 32-bit Centos 7 installed on it. However, the official installation media ISO is not bootable. Then I found Rufus which is a lifesaver and successfully flashed the 7.7 GB ISO into a bootable USB stick and now my dinosaur computer…

  • Make “Close Laptop Lid” Really “Do Nothing” in Kali Linux

    I struggled with the GUI’s power settings as the “do nothing” seems not working. Then I went on to meddle with the /etc/systemd/logind.conf file. Once you’ve VI’ed it, please uncomment #HandleLidSwitch=suspend and change it to HandleLidSwitch=ignore Hence “before”: # This file is part of systemd. # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it…

  • How to Type Escape Key while Using Bluetooth Keyboard Connected with Android System

    Well, every user’s situation is unique, so I’ll just present mine here for starter: Phone: Galaxy S2 Andorid Version:4.0.3 Keyboard: B.O.W hb086 (it is a cheap Chinese knockoff, but probably your own high-end couterpart is using the same set of hardware inside) I first had trouble with the Ctrl key, and later I fixed it…

  • Linux 101: How to Sync Two Folders on Two Hosts

    This is a genuine request from a friend of mine who has a website and needs to be backed up in a hot stand-by server in case the production goes down. The command that I am using is ‘rsync’. Firstly, you’ll have to install rsync on both boxes if you have not done so: sudo…

  • Linux 101: How to Recovery Forgotten Root’s Password

    It is recommended to avoid using root account frequently and this does cause trouble when admins suddenly would like to connect to a box under root account. One of the best ways to recover a forgotten root password is to use another account that has sudo privilege and can reset password for root. I am using…