How to solve error “ping: socket: Operation not permitted” when a non-root user executes ping command

Check where the ping command is:
which ping

And on my screen, the output is:

Then check permissions on this command:
ls -l /bin/ping

And I see the below output:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 72776 Jan 30 2020 /bin/ping

And I execute the below command to change permissions:
sudo chmod u+s /bin/ping

I redo permission checks by:

ls -l /bin/ping

And the output is changed to:

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 72776 Jan 30 2020 /bin/ping

Note that the bolded letter s is changed from the previous value of x.

And what does this s mean?

“It means “set-uid” when run this program: the program doesn’t run with the privilege of user who ran it, instead, with the privilege of file owner. “

The reference article is here:

Now ping command can be executed by a non-root user like:








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